Sunday, 20 April 2014


Name of Game: KillZone Shadow Fall
Release date: 15 Nov 2013
Institutes: Guerilla Games, Sony Computer entertainment


Magazine: Cover of the official playstation magazine

Colour is very consistent in the cover and presents the theme of playstaion which is also blue

Central image: Looks as if the character, who seems to be a villain, is looking straight at the audience and seems as there is interaction between the two parties.

Font used for the magazine name is big and bold. This is also at the top as it makes it easy for audiences to find the magazines on store shelves.

Reviews: "Killzone shadow fall is probably the best looking FPS game right now for ps4.
A game that offers a very good solo and multiplayer. MUST BUY for every ps4 owner"
"Shadow Fall shows what Sony's new machine is able to do in terms of graphics, but behind its beautiful façade there's a by the numbers first person shooter that you won't remember in a few months."

There's no review that was very bad as they wouldn't have been used intentionally by playstation as they want people to buy the game.

This cover feature for the game will be successful in promoting the game to its target audience as they play games on Playstation and promoting the game on the front cover can start a buzz as well showing that playstation have rated this game highly and it is worth buying.


 This is the Killzone shadow fall gameplay trailer which was also used in E3.
The target audience wants to know why there was an explotion in the building the protagonist looked like he was going to and why it may have been attacked. Furthermore the action that takes place is also intrigues the target audience as they will be into the action games on next gen. The trailer was also effective as the audience wants to know what happens next, however they'll need to buy and play before to find out which makes this video effective.

This was an interview with the managing director of guerilla games. This is effective in promoting the game to target audiences as the interview itself is with an important member of the institute behind the game and he tells us what features are included in making the game more realistic and entertaining. Everything the target audience wants in a game is said which persuades the target market to buy the game.

E-Media: On the official website of Killzone:ShadowFall the first thing that catches the eye is the picture of the antagonists at the top. Just to the left in bold writing it states, "INSUGENT PACK OUT NOW" this keeps the interest of the audience as they want to know more about this pack as they can have a better gaming experience. The Website is very organised and scrolling down we see how to connect with them via facebook and twitter whilst we can see tweets and posts whilst still on the site to see what other gamers think of the game and what's new in the game. There is also competitions which on facebook which you can see via the site. The recent post by shadowfall:  "We are looking for the player with the most limpet grenade kills per hour. You need to play a minimum of 1 hour in the 24 Player TDM Warzone to qualify for this challenge and it will run from Friday night, 23:59 GMT to Sunday night, 0:00 GMT.
The top 10 list will be announced on Monday." This makes the audience get involved and making the audience play the game more.

This was uploaded by a player. This helps promote the game as audiences watching the gameplay get an insight and can decide whether they want the game or not. The user that uploaded the video is undoubtedly going to compliment the next gen game as they want more hits and more subs on their channel as well successfully promoting the game.
The killzone ShadowFall page has 331K likes
This appeals to the games target audience as they want the players to get involved also making them play more of this game.

This shows that they respond and care about their audience and want them to get involved.

We can conclude that Killzone on its Facebook page is trying to get the players more involved in the game and starting a buzz with the prizes, some of which are rear, and competitions.

The hashtag for this game is  #Killzone Shadowfall
The audience playing Killzone can ask for some help and tips when they are confused in a part of the game and Killzone tries reply to the needs showing that they can help out. There is also similar competitions as are on Facebook in trying to get players more involved.

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